The Democrats’ attempt to get President Joe Biden’s name on the ballot for November was denied by Ohio authorities because the party’s convention will be held after the state election deadline has passed.
In early April, Ohio Democrats were informed by Secretary of State Frank LaRose that Biden may not make it on the ballot on November 5th. Officials are obligated by state law to certify the ballot 90 days before an election, which falls on August 7 this year. However, the Democrat presidential nomination will not be formally announced until the Democratic National Convention on August 19.
Reports show attorney Don McTigue wrote to LaRose’s office, stating that the Democrat Party will temporarily confirm Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris before the deadline of August 7. McTigue pointed out that with no serious primary opponents, Biden had already amassed enough delegates to capture the Democrat nominee.
Joe Biden won the Democrat presidential primary in Ohio with 87% of the vote.
According to McTigue’s letter, Biden and Harris’ Ohio supporters would be denied the chance to align with their chosen candidate if they were not designated as Democrat Party candidates.
According to the office of Attorney General Dave Yost, provisional clearance will not be adequate, and LaRose cannot unilaterally alter dates. The statute requires the Democrat Party to certify its presidential and vice presidential candidates no later than August 7, 2024. There can be no other method.
When the parties’ convention dates were postponed in 2020, lawmakers extended the 90-day deadline until May 9. They might use the same strategy this year, but the likelihood of it happening is low.
They are letting the Biden campaign and the Democratic National Committee handle it, according to Ohio Democrats.
Republican Senator Matt Huffman of Lima told local media that he believes the Democrats are to blame. Some type of resolution is required amongst Democrats, but he hasn’t been approached about it.
The deadline for other states’ elections is closer to the convention than Ohio’s. According to reports, Washington and Alabama Democrats are in a similar situation, but the Democrat Secretary of State in Washington will accept a temporary certification.
McTigue and a Biden campaign spokesman would not comment when the media asked about their next moves.