A heartwarming reunion unfolded in British Columbia as six-year-old Oaklynn Schweder, a non-verbal, autistic child, was found safe after being lost in the forest for three days. The young girl was discovered just after 6 p.m. on Sunday in a wooded area near her home and the Skin Tyee First Nation Band Office, according to Kelowna Now.
Oaklynn had last been seen outside her home at around 6 p.m. on September 19, prompting an intense search effort that spanned multiple days and included drones, helicopters, and police dogs. Over 600 volunteers joined local authorities and search-and-rescue teams to locate the young girl. The search team feared for her safety, as Oaklynn had been on her own in the wilderness for an extended period, but she was ultimately found unharmed, as reported by the Prince George Citizen.
Video footage captured the emotional moment when Oaklynn’s parents, Gail Skin and James Schweder, ran into the forested area where she was found. Skin, overcome with relief, scooped her daughter into her arms, crying out, “baby girl,” as volunteers cheered and applauded the discovery.
Oaklynn was then wrapped in a blanket by volunteers and taken to Burns Lake Hospital for a medical evaluation. Fortunately, she did not appear to have any visible injuries. As a member of the Skin Tyee Nation, Oaklynn was greeted with traditional music and gifts from the community upon her return, according to Castanet.
The Burns Lake Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) celebrated the successful search, with Staff Sgt. Joshua Smith expressing gratitude to everyone involved. “This is the outcome that we all hoped for,” Smith said, adding that the dedication of volunteers and partner agencies played a crucial role in bringing Oaklynn home safely.
Oaklynn’s parents expressed their heartfelt thanks on social media, overwhelmed by the community’s support during the challenging days of their daughter’s disappearance. “I can’t believe it, we have our daughter home safe and sound,” James Schweder wrote. Skin shared that her daughter was now sleeping peacefully and hinted at an extra special celebration: “Oaklynn will be having the biggest birthday party,” she said. Oaklynn turns seven on September 30.