Since Joe Biden entered the oval office in January of 2021, he has presided over a period of unparallel and unprecedented turmoil and disaster for the United States at every level and aspect of governance. After Biden reduced sanctions on Russia that had been imposed by Donald Trump and allowed it to access oil in the North Atlantic (also prevented by Trump), it invaded Ukraine in early 2022, bringing conflict to Europe for the first time since the second world war. After the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in late 2021, tensions in the middle east have been on the rise, and they boiled over in early October when Hamas invaded Israel and killed over 1,000.
Domestically, things are even worse. Inflation has crushed the American working class. In 2022, it peaked, reaching levels not witnessed in decades. Interest rates have risen after being at historic lows under President Trump. Now, more than 60% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck as wages continue to stagnate and the buying power of the dollar has declined. Make no mistake, the decline of the American middle class has been a reality for decades, but the last several years have only exacerbated the process. While the White House routinely claims that inflation is now under control, many economists contradict that claim. In September the rate of inflation increased to 3.7%. Economists had projected a 3.6% increase, so the change is modest, but nonetheless the Federal Reserve is once again debating on raising interest rates by the end of the year to help mitigate this issue.
Biden has truly governed in a controversial manner that has weakened America. As the 2024 election nears ever closer, it appears likely that Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee for the presidency after cruising to victory in the Iowa caucus. Trump has not announced a running mate (vice president); a rumor alleges Elise Stefanik may be a choice.